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Coronavirus safety: How to stay safe while traveling in Thailand.

Coronavirus or COVID-19 has been spread out from Wuhan, China since December 2019 to many countries worldwide. In Asian countries such as Japan, Korea, Singapore, and in many European countries such as Italy, Austria, Croatia, Spain, and Switzerland. These are the popular countries for Thai traveler but because of COVID-19 spreading in these countries, it’s hard to travel aboard at ease.

How about inboard traveling? Thailand is the country we lived in so, we don’t have to worry about language or health care service at all. However, even the coronavirus in Thailand is not ‘that hectic’ but we have to protect ourselves.

What to do or prepare before traveling in Thailand?

1. COVID-19 symptom.

Just like other Common Respiratory Disease Symptoms such as high fever, coughing, mucus, difficulty breathing, or wheezing. You have to observe the other’s person sickness symptoms and try to avoid staying in the COVID-19 risking area or crowned area. You can also do life or travel insurance.

2. Always update the situation.

Gather many information as much as possible from the reliable sources.

3. Use good quality protecting gear.

This is a must-have item for you! You have to prepare as much as a day you will go or as much as you can give to your new friend on the way in your journey.

4. Take your (very) personal stuffs.

Do not use or share your personal stuff with other. What is your personal stuff? These are handkerchief, towel, water glasses or tumble, spoon, and fork.

5. Eat cooked dish.

Do not eat raw food to avoid risk of getting COVID-19 infection.

6. Always keep your hand clean.

Clean your hand with soap or an alcohol gel. Try not to touch your face after you grabbing public stuff; door nob or handrail.

7. Keep checking yourself.

Take your self to a doctor. If you had a related symptom such as slight fever or couching. Use protecting gear to protect yourself and others as well.

If you were aware and protecting yourself as the list above. They would keep you and others safe from spreading of coronavirus. Stay safe!

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