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Food hunting in your quarantine period

Many countries were still in quarantine period. In this pandemic situation try to stay at home and social distancing as much as possible until COVID-19 situation would get better.

What you want to do when you can go out freely? 

I guess that will be tons but , in Thailand there are many kind of foods for you to fill up in every emergency situation because Thailand is not just land of smiles but called land of varies kind of food! 

Here are my recommended food list for you to order from many delivery apps. Trust me , you can find it everywhere as long as you live in Thailand.

What are you want to try? Getting bore of fast foods? How about local foods in Thailand? I could guarantee a fresh and homie feeling for you.

Kao Soi Kai ( Northern style noodles with chicken soup)

Kao soi is one of the famous northern food. It was like yellow noodle with curry soup. This food was first made when there was  Hor Chinese merchants (Hor : Chinese with Islam beliefs) were traded in Thailand. Kao soi was made from flour , eggs , salt and water mix together then iron it and lastly chop the noodles out of it ( Soi means chopping)

Until then , there were adaption for Thai’s taste. They had added a coconut milk , Thai onion , Thai coriander on top and eat with  fried chili , lime , red onion and sour gabbage as the side dishes. 

Kang Lueng (Spicy yellow soup)

One of the famous local food from the south of Thailand. Yellow was extracted from turmeric. Anyway, the local people called this yellow soup ‘ Kang Som’ which means spicy orange soup.

They could put anything to cook up this soup. It is up to their favors such as fish and preserved bamboo shoot. Especially spicy yellow soup paste and top up with your kind of favorite ingredients , They are all up to you.

Kao Ji (Grilled sticky rice).

One of the tons of Thailand east’s local foods. (of course ,the famous one) Yummy and easy to cook. Take out the cooked sticky rice and make to the circle shape then put them into the stick and grill it. When the color is coming out soak up the grilled rice with eggs and grill them again until done. Lastly fill up the sugarcane paste in the rice (right on the sticked spot!)

Well , easy isn’t it? But it was reflect the ‘easy going’ personality of the local people of the east. When they have to travel or working at somewhere far from their home . They took this easy-taking food with them as a brunch or lunch or any meal because this food can preserve even in many days.

Kao pan pak (Vegetable-wrapped rice)

This is the famous tradition dish of Uttaradit and not just a dish it was also a home-made food reservation technology , like Kao Ji. 

This food was like Thai’s rice dumping wrapping  but the filler that filled with more kinds of vegetables mixed inside (Chinese cabbage , Chinese broccoli , water spinach, bean sprout and chopped cabbage) dip with spicy sour sauce  or shabu sauce , up to what are your favor?

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