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Broken heart healing : Let yourself FREE by traveling alone

How to get over with broken heart feeling? Ouch! This is one of the TOUGHEST question for someone who is newly single.

Well, There are tons of advices that you could do from many ‘How tos’ like go to bar or hang out with your friends to speak out your feeling.

Someone likes to be alone with themselves or work hard to forget them.

As for me I would tell them ; ‘Just go to Phu kra dueng.’

Thais believe that Phu kra dueng is the mountain for challenging the true love ones. If you and your lover could finish climbing up this tough mountain together. He or She will be your true love but in the other way this place can also challenging your love for yourself too.

You going to throw yourself to your failure love or challenging Phu Kra Dueng Mountain? What is tougher for you? The 9 kilometers to go for finishing your climbing by  your own 2 feet and  get a stronger feeling. 

When you decide to do it. That will be the first step of ‘You can do it!’.

The rewards for this challenge is the greatest mountain top view. The calm upon the greenery forest below and a chill feeling on your skin makes you thrilling with joy. You might find your new friend on the way up here. Maybe he or she would be your new best friend or your new lover, and your first date is Grill buffet at Pha Lom Sak.

Are you going speak out your feeling here ? If you are , you can shout at the big forest below. Bottom up your heart feeling to make you feel better.

Sometimes when you take times with yourself is the best healing way. Sit on the rock on the mountain top ,free your mind with the nature. ‘I can do it, I get up here’ it’s not easy to climbing here. You have to proud of yourself! Feeling happy with your self is the best way to move on heartbroken feeling and made you stronger! 

So, the purpose of this tough climbing is to make you ‘think positive of yourself’ not ‘forget’ the one who left you. Proud of your body stamina and stronger mind.

Even it’s tough but believe me, you can do it!

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